The forcibly displaced are often tucked away at the margins of society. But within this community, there's another even more hidden group - those with disabilities and special needs.
Over the past few years, through our surgical, rehabilitation, and MHPSS programs, we have come to know, love, and serve many such children.
We realized we can do more.
In Iraq, services for those with special needs are scarce and out-of-reach for many.
We thus want to bring together several services into a single, holistic early intervention center, to support the educational, physical, and socio-emotional wellbeing of the children and their families.
Will you come alongside us
in this work?
Help us launch this center this fall!
Friends from Singapore, please follow the link below.

"...these children may have physical disabilities, but they
are not disabled. In fact, they may be internally more able
than other children."— Shirley, Special Needs Program Manager